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Hannah Mello, M.Ed.

Designer + Consultant + Facilitator + Coach

through Strategic Listening and Co-Design

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Rooted in an ecological worldview—applying integrated systems principles from natural sciences, psychology, anthropology, sociology, spirituality, and linguistics.

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein

Acknowledging "an ecological and communicative dilemma: the universe, earth, and socio-cultural life world are resoundingly dialogic, yet we have created modern and postmodern cultures largely governed by monologue.”*

"When we try and pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." John Muir

Fractals, Adrienne Marie Brown | From Emergent Strategy. Edinburgh, Scotland: AK Press, 2017

Stefan Cojocaru, Constantin Bragaru, Oana Maria Ciuchi | Revista de cercetare [i interven]ie social\, 2012, vol. 36, pp. 31-43  | Link

Living Systems theory, James Grier Miller and others: out of ecological and biological sciences or self-organizing systems
Chris Du Plessis and Peter Brandon | From the Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 109, 16 December 2015, Pages 53-61  | Link
William Homestead | From An Ecology of Communication: Response and Responsibility in an Age of Ecocrisis

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